
Robotized Assembly System

SMC’s Robotized Assembly Training System, the RAS-400, allows learners to get a real-world look at fully automated assembly environments featuring your choice of industrial robot(s). This modular robotized assembly system consists of 4 different industrial robot stations forming a flexible automation cell. The process includes an entire series of
  1. Feeding
  2. Material handling
  3. Assembly verification
  4. Loading operations
All operations are carried out using components from different technologies (pneumatics, vacuum, sensors, etc.) that students will have to understand and apply.  The primary training focus of this training system is industrial robotics, including collaborative robots.

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This system consists of 4 different robotized stations forming a flexible automation cell. The process includes an entire series of feeding, handling, verification and loading operations carried out using components from different technologies (pneumatics, vacuum, sensors, etc.), but the most important technology and the main one in this system is the robotics, including collaborative robots.

ABB, a global leading robot manufacturer, is the robot choice shown here with IRB 1200s, IRB 1100s, and YUMI collaborative robots being shown.

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