DAKTIC is pleased to announce a partnership with ACM SL to release the DAKTIC Wind Farm Simulation Suite, which includes the following four simulators, each with the corresponding tutorials:
- SCADA for Control Centers in Wind Farms
- Dual Speed Active Stall Wind Turbine
- Rotor Resistance Controller (RRC)
- Doubly Fed Induction Generator (DFIG)
These simulators conform a learning path for the training of the personnel involved in the commissioning, operation and maintenance of Wind Farms. They are designed with the idea of providing comprehensive understanding of how each of the elements inside a Wind Turbine works, and how they work together. Another important feature is the ability to observe, in real time, the evolution of key variables inside the machine. Many of these variables are not observable in a real Wind Turbine, but are very helpful for a comprehensive understanding of the behavior of these machines.
The DAKTIC Wind Farm Simulation Suite is the second product to bear the DAKTIC name. It builds on our history providing green technology training solutions with WeatherCert, a DAKTIC Certification Prep Lab designed to prepare students to become BPI Certified Building Analysts and BPI Certified Envelope Professionals.